Tag Archives: socks

She’s crafty, knits in the round, she’s crafty, man, she’s always, uh… making stuff.

Still working hard over here. I feel like I’ve gotten a lot accomplished. I’ve managed to finish a few things and make progress on some other things. So here is a picture heavy update of things I’ve gotten done:

Using up some microfiber yarn.

Using up some microfiber yarn.

More microfiber yarn. Headbands this time.

More microfiber yarn. Headbands this time.

I’ve had some handbags sitting in my purgatory pile for quite some time. I got them out and worked on them for a bit. This included getting my sewing machine out and reacquainting myself with how it works. I’m happy to report that it was like riding a bicycle.


Added lining to two of these three handbags.

I didn’t have enough muslin to line the yellow and black chevron handbag in the back, but I did use some denim to make the bottom a little sturdier, as that particular bag is quite bucket like instead of being some squares sewn together like the other two. Handles were added to the chevron bag and a shoulder strap was added to the orange,blue, and white bag. The purple granny square bag needs handles and I am still deciding if I want to buy or make them.

Here is the orange, blue, and white bag finished. I had planned on selling it but I like it so much that I’ve been usuing it.

Love it.

Love it.

In sock making news, I had been working on another pair for the husband. This time in the colorway Red Hots from Lion Brand Sock-Ease.

Vanilla ankle socks with a Fish Lips Kiss heel.

Vanilla ankle socks with a Fish Lips Kiss heel.

One done...

One done…

And BAM. Socks for the husband.

And BAM. Socks for the husband.

After that was done I picked up some socks I had been working on for myself. These socks are worked with one round of solid and one round of self-striping yarn. I think the colors are really pretty and work well together.

Striped shorty socks for me.

Striped shorty socks for me.

Here's a fun experiment I tried with the toe.

Here’s a fun experiment I tried with the toe.

I have been using the FLK heel as my go to heel for socks because I like how tidy it looks and how comfortable it is. I have used it on a few pairs of socks and one day I said, “Self, this could be used as a toe, I just know it. One of these days, self, you’re going to have to see if you can make it work. Tim Gunn style.” So I decided to try with this pair. I worked the heel instructions as they are written but then I grafted the stitches together after the heel was worked instead of working back into the round. I’m glad to say there was minimal cussing involved, and that’s only because I hate kitchener stitch. Here’s a pic on the sock blockers.

FLK heel AND toe. Hold on to your hats, friends. Shit just got crazy.

FLK heel AND toe. Hold on to your hats, friends. Shit just got crazy.

Currently, I am working on making a throw with some Red Heart Super Saver scraps I have. It’s quite busy looking but I hate to waste any yarn. Even if it’s scratchy, cheap acrylic. It’s basically just a giant mitered granny square. It’s going to take awhile to finish. I have learned my lesson and I have been weaving in ends after about every three color changes. So that will be nice. Once it’s done it will actually be done and I can celebrate with karate moves and wine.

Oh, I almost forgot. I finished my Garter Slipped scarf that I was working on. I haven’t taken any photos of that but it sure felt good to get it done. Ends weaved in and all that jazz. It turned out quite nicely.

Now it’s time for another pot of coffee and getting back to my hooks and needles. Huzzah!


Don’t call it a comeback

Oh man. I know it’s been a while and it probably seems like I’ve been slacking off, but I promise I haven’t been.

Since my last post I have 3 pairs of completed socks. Two pairs are for myself and one pair was for the husband. I currently have another pair in the works for myself.

Latest pair for the husband using Lion Brand Sock-Ease in Taffy.

Latest pair for the husband using Lion Brand Sock-Ease in Taffy.

Socks for me.

Socks for me.

Shorty socks for me using a fish lips kiss heel.

Shorty socks for me using a fish lips kiss heel.

Shorty socks in progress using Vanna's Glamour yarn with a fish lips kiss heel.

Shorty socks in progress using Vanna’s Glamour yarn with a fish lips kiss heel.

The last two photos are socks that I used a fish lips kiss heel pattern. I really like the heel a lot. It was a little intimidating at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s so much easier and tidier looking than having a heel flap and picking up stitches for a gusset. I don’t think I’ll ever use a different heel again. Best of all the fish lips kiss heel can be used for toe-up and cuff-down socks.

You can get instructions for the Fish Lips Kiss Heel by clicking HERE. The heel is by Sox Therapist on Ravelry and the pattern is only $1.00. The instructions are very clear and there is also a photo guide. I highly recommend this pattern. Again, it’s only a dollar and it’s worth every penny and more!

I have a few more finished projects. One of them being this washcloth set that I was working on every once in a while.

Washcloth set finally finished using Cotton(ish) yarn by Vickie Howell for Bernat.

Washcloth set finally finished using Cotton(ish) yarn by Vickie Howell for Bernat.

I don’t remember what the pattern is called… I do know I found it in the Lion Brand Free Pattern app I have on my iPhone. It’s a really simple 4 row repeat and it ends up with a nice texture.

I also made a few headbands to try and use up my various scrap yarn.

Headbands to use up various scrap yarn.

Headbands in all different sizes.

A couple of these are a traditional 4×4 ribbing and the others are a broken 4×4 ribbing. I didn’t follow a pattern because I made it up as I went. However I did write it down, so I’d like to share it with you. Here goes:

For an adult size headband:

You will need: U.S. Size 8 Straight Knitting Needles, U.S. Size 7 Straight Knitting Needles, Worsted Weight Yarn, Darning Needle

With size 8 needles cast on 88 stitches.

Work K4,P4 ribbing for 22 rows.

(This is for a traditional ribbing. To use the broken ribbing you will work a row of K4,P4 across, then a row of K. Work in this pattern for 22 rows.)

Bind off in pattern.

With size 7 needles cast on 14 stitches.

Work in stockinette stitch for 22 rows and bind off.

Stitch headband together at short ends and gather seam. Wrap small stockinette piece around gathered seam and stitch together. Weave in ends.

Another variation of this pattern is to cast on 92 sts and work 2×2 ribbing with the rest of the instructions being the same. You’d end up with a headband like this:

Ribbed headband in Ivory Red Heart Shimmer,

Ribbed headband in Ivory Red Heart Shimmer.

In Pinterest Day News: Sadly, I still haven’t gotten frames for my artwork. But I do have a couple photos of the finished drawings for you to see. I really like how they turned out and I am tempted to draw a few more.

Pinterest Day Drawing One.

Pinterest Day Drawing One.

Pinterest Drawing Two.

Pinterest Drawing Two.

So that’s my quick update for you. Until we meet again…

Socks and other WIPs

Well dedicated followers, I’ve got a lot happening here lately. I’ve managed to knit two pairs of socks and I’ve started a third pair. I seem to be making quick work of the latest pair, as I am on the second sock already. It even has a heel flap and I have now learned how to graft a toe. I feel quite fancy.

Fancy Feet!

Fancy Feet!

Husband modeling his socks.

Husband modeling his socks.

A bad picture of fancy socks for me.

A bad picture of fancy socks for me.

The latest pair of socks. For my feet.

The latest pair of socks. For my feet.

I’ve also made a small amount of progress on the afghan that never ends. I managed to attach a panel. I had to take it to a craft night get together to do it. If I try to work on it at home Kissa thinks that it’s the greatest thing since sausage became a breakfast food and she attacks all the ends that haven’t been woven in. Because everything belongs to her and she has to use it to practice her MMA fighting skills to test the structural integrity of my work. Seems a little extreme to me, but I am not a cat, so what the hell do I know?

Now that I’ve gotten the hang of using DPNs, I’ve caught the sock knitting fever (which cannot be be cured by more cowbell. I tried.), so I went to Joann’s to buy more sock yarn with a gift card I got for Christmas. How I managed to hang on to a gift card for a craft store that long, I’ll never know. I’m going to be trying out some Lion Brand Sock-Ease for the next few pairs of socks. The color ways are Rock Candy (for me), Red Hots (for me or Husband), and Taffy (for Husband). As Husband has requested another pair of the spiral socks.

Top to bottom: Rock Candy, Taffy, and Red Hots.

Top to bottom: Rock Candy, Taffy, and Red Hots.

In other news, I’m still working on the second installment of Pinterest Day. This one doesn’t have anything to do with yarn. But the drawing is pretty cool and I think you’ll enjoy it.

Pinterest Day Drawing in progress.

Pinterest Day Drawing in progress.

I finally got another skein of yarn for the My Garter Slipped scarf that I was working on. Hopefully I can switch between that and socks without much trouble. I’d like to get it finished soon, but since the weather is warming up I’m not really in any hurry.

I suppose if I want to get anything finished I had better get back to it. Until next post…

Here I am. Sock you like a hurricane.

I finally did it! I finished a pair of socks!
Bask in their glory:


I’m so happy with how they turned out. With their mismatched-ness and crazy self striping patterns. Best of all, my husband loves them and they fit him perfectly. He’s even wearing them to work today so he can show them off.

Husband says he wants a ton more. Which is all well and good, but I had to tell him he has to wait until I make some for my own feet.

I’ve started another pair using the same pattern but I’m using some yarn I’ve been saving for a special occasion.


This yarn is so pretty, warm, and snuggly. And the color way is called Wicked Witch… Totally appropriate for socks.

Here’s my progress on the first sock so far.


Perhaps the next pair will involve a heel flap, as I’m getting more and more comfortable with DPNs. This sock seems to be going faster than the last two I made so I know I’m getting better.

I’m a real knitter now!

Authors, Socks, and Badgers.

Just kidding. No badgers.

I would like to introduce you to my dear friend, Allison M. Dickson. She’s pretty much the bee’s knees of horror fiction. Take a look at her web site.

She’s written many a short story, has works in some different collections, and has two novels, Strings and Colt Coltrane and the Lotus Killer, available right now. You can find them all on Amazon.

She is also a co-host on the podcast Creative Commoners. She and the other co-hosts, Corey Bishop and Chris Armstrong, discuss the challenges of being creative. They also talk about games, super heroes, writing, movies, and just generally being awesome. Creative Commoners sometimes features a fellow guest host of the creative community and things can get even more awesome, if you can wrap your head around that. (Which you can, I know it. I have faith in you.)

Speaking of guests and fellow creative persons. Allison has been featuring an interview series on her web site called “5 Quintessential Questions” where she poses 5 questions to an independent artist. This person can be an author, musician, painter, sculptor, chef, comic book inker, birdhouse maker, underwater basket weaver… Whomever is creative, passionate, and a level 50 karate-ninja-robot-assassin. (Okay, maybe not that last thing, but you get the idea.)

I was lucky enough to earn an interview with her. I had a lot of fun answering the questions and quite frankly, I’m still flattered that she included me in this awesome series. You can read the interview here.

I encourage, nay, I insist you use the links I’ve provided above to get to know more about Allison, her great stories, and the podcast Creative Commoners. You will not be disappointed.

Okay, I know that I lied to you about the badger thing, and for that I’m a small amount of sorry. However, I came clean about it straight away and that has to count for something, right? What I didn’t lie to you about is socks. That I do have some content about and here it is in all it’s glory. (ha. glory.)

So, I’d consider myself an accomplished and experienced crocheter. I’ve made blankets, slippers, sweaters, scarves, potholders, hats, batman masks, plush dolls, purses… You name it, I’ve hooked it up. I’ve written patterns, I read patterns, I read charts, I make things without patterns. I do it all. Oh yes.

But when it comes to knitting, I’ve always felt like a n00b. I mean, I’ve made things like washcloths, hats, headbands, scarfs… I’ve made a queen size afghan (still needing finishing touches, of course) and a sweater. A freaking SWEATER. Which was not an easy task. I had to learn all the different joining techniques because sewing pieces together doesn’t use the same style of stitching for different seam placements. Sigh.

I’ve always wanted to knit up some socks, but using DPNs has been so awkward for me. I felt like I was trying to knit with a spider that constantly wanted to poke my eyes out.

I finally sat down and said, “Self, you are going to knit a sock if it is the last damn thing you ever do.” So I got out the DPNs, some scrap sock yarn, a free pattern I picked up at Joann’s, and I made a blasted sock. It was awkward and it’s full of little mistakes, but it’s a sock and I made it.

Behold! My first sock.

One lonely sock.

One lonely sock.

Since that one turned out decently I decided I was going to get comfortable using DPNs. I got out a different pattern, some other sock yarn that I got on clearance, and I cast on another sock so I can make a pair for my husband. Since I am using clearance yarn that I didn’t have enough of one color to make a whole pair, these socks are going to look like Joseph’s technicolor dreamcoat, but that’s okay. This pair of socks are a learning exercise for me. Besides, my husband says he will wear them with pride.

I’m almost done with the first sock after 4 days. This pattern is a spiral of 4×4 ribbing until you get to the toe, and then it’s just done in stockinette stitch. There is no heel on this pattern, which I am thankful for. It gets me used to working in the round and it will also help with making sure it fits his giant, size 13 feet.

Here are some pictures of the sock in progress. Look at them. Love them.

Free Spiral Sock Pattern by Patons

Free Spiral Sock Pattern by Patons (click the pic to get the pattern)


Work 4×4 ribbing in 5 row repeat until your fingers bleed.


The colors are hideous but the love… The love is there.

The progress so far. Only about 36 rounds to go.

The progress so far. Only about 36 rounds to go.

I know it really isn’t anything special but making these socks means a lot to me. I’ll finally be a real knitter!

I feel bad about the badger thing. So here is a link to the badger page on Wikipedia. BADGERS!