Tag Archives: DPNs

Free Basket Weave Beanie Knitting Pattern

Hello there, strangers… You may have noticed my long absence. Thanks to the holidays and having a job in retail, I haven’t made a lot of time for updating my blog.

Today I am giving you a free knitting pattern as a token of my apologies for disappearing for so very long. I hope you enjoy it.

Basket Weave Beanie Hat

By Rosemary King, © 2015


  • 1 Skein Lion Brand Wool-Ease in the color of your choice
  • 1 Size US 8 16” Circular Knitting Needles
  • 1 Set of 4 Size US 8 DPNs
  • 1 Stitch Marker (if you’re not a rebel)
  • Darning Needle

Using circular needles, cast on 81 stitches and place marker

Basket Weave Pattern:

Rounds 1 – 5: *K5, P4 around

Rounds 6 – 10: *P6, K2, P1 around

Repeat Rounds 1 – 10, 6 times, for a total of 60 rounds

Crown Decrease:

Divide stitches evenly onto 3 DPNs (27 stitches on each needle)

Round 1: *K2tog, K3, P4 around (72 sts)

Round 2: *K4, P2tog, P2 around (63 sts)

Round 3: *K2tog, K2, P3 around (54 sts)

Round 4: *K3, P2tog, P1 around (45 sts)

Round 5: *K2tog, K1, P2 around (36 sts)

Round 6: *P2, K2tog around (27 sts)

Round 7: *P2tog, K1 around (18 sts)

Round 8: *K2tog around (9 sts)


Cut yarn leaving a long tail. Thread tail onto darning needle and draw yarn through remaining 9 stitches, pulling tightly to close. Drawn yarn to the inside of hat through the center of the closure.

Weave in ends.

Basket Weave Beanie in Lion Brand Wool-Ease: Denim Twist

Basket Weave Beanie in Lion Brand Wool-Ease: Denim Twist



Socks and other WIPs

Well dedicated followers, I’ve got a lot happening here lately. I’ve managed to knit two pairs of socks and I’ve started a third pair. I seem to be making quick work of the latest pair, as I am on the second sock already. It even has a heel flap and I have now learned how to graft a toe. I feel quite fancy.

Fancy Feet!

Fancy Feet!

Husband modeling his socks.

Husband modeling his socks.

A bad picture of fancy socks for me.

A bad picture of fancy socks for me.

The latest pair of socks. For my feet.

The latest pair of socks. For my feet.

I’ve also made a small amount of progress on the afghan that never ends. I managed to attach a panel. I had to take it to a craft night get together to do it. If I try to work on it at home Kissa thinks that it’s the greatest thing since sausage became a breakfast food and she attacks all the ends that haven’t been woven in. Because everything belongs to her and she has to use it to practice her MMA fighting skills to test the structural integrity of my work. Seems a little extreme to me, but I am not a cat, so what the hell do I know?

Now that I’ve gotten the hang of using DPNs, I’ve caught the sock knitting fever (which cannot be be cured by more cowbell. I tried.), so I went to Joann’s to buy more sock yarn with a gift card I got for Christmas. How I managed to hang on to a gift card for a craft store that long, I’ll never know. I’m going to be trying out some Lion Brand Sock-Ease for the next few pairs of socks. The color ways are Rock Candy (for me), Red Hots (for me or Husband), and Taffy (for Husband). As Husband has requested another pair of the spiral socks.

Top to bottom: Rock Candy, Taffy, and Red Hots.

Top to bottom: Rock Candy, Taffy, and Red Hots.

In other news, I’m still working on the second installment of Pinterest Day. This one doesn’t have anything to do with yarn. But the drawing is pretty cool and I think you’ll enjoy it.

Pinterest Day Drawing in progress.

Pinterest Day Drawing in progress.

I finally got another skein of yarn for the My Garter Slipped scarf that I was working on. Hopefully I can switch between that and socks without much trouble. I’d like to get it finished soon, but since the weather is warming up I’m not really in any hurry.

I suppose if I want to get anything finished I had better get back to it. Until next post…

Here I am. Sock you like a hurricane.

I finally did it! I finished a pair of socks!
Bask in their glory:


I’m so happy with how they turned out. With their mismatched-ness and crazy self striping patterns. Best of all, my husband loves them and they fit him perfectly. He’s even wearing them to work today so he can show them off.

Husband says he wants a ton more. Which is all well and good, but I had to tell him he has to wait until I make some for my own feet.

I’ve started another pair using the same pattern but I’m using some yarn I’ve been saving for a special occasion.


This yarn is so pretty, warm, and snuggly. And the color way is called Wicked Witch… Totally appropriate for socks.

Here’s my progress on the first sock so far.


Perhaps the next pair will involve a heel flap, as I’m getting more and more comfortable with DPNs. This sock seems to be going faster than the last two I made so I know I’m getting better.

I’m a real knitter now!