Pinterest Day 2: Part 1 – Colored Pencil Fun

It’s that time again, folks. Well… Sort of.

I found a pin in my never ending crafty board that I decided I was going to give the good old college try. This one isn’t yarn related, but I thought it looked pretty awesome and fun.

I have been wanting to add some more art to my work space and I figured, “Why not make my own?”. So, I scoured my pinterest board and found this pin. It’s basically an exercise to practice shading and pressure control. It’s cool to see how it develops as you go along, but it does take some time to complete.

Since it has been taking me a while to finish my drawings, I thought I would make this a two part post to show you the progress I’ve made and also give you some time to work along with me if you wanted to. And why wouldn’t you? I’m awesome and this exercise is awesome.

I’ve finished one drawing so far and my second drawing is almost complete. Here are some progress photos:

Drawing one

Drawing one


Second drawing

Drawing two


My husband had the idea to add a “row” of grey to give it a little extra interest. I liked how it turned out in the first drawing so that is what inspired me to add the “window” of grey in the second drawing. Once I’m finished I’ll be looking for some frames to put them in and I’ll hang them on the wall in my work area. I’m pretty stoked.

There will be another update to this Pinterest Day post so I can show you the final pieces and hopefully some shots of them hanging on my wall.

In knitting news, I am making progress on my fourth pair of socks. I’m almost done with them and I am excited to start another pair. There are a lot of photos of them that I have posted to my Instagram.

I hope to have the socks done for my next post and perhaps a couple other FOs for you to look at. Until next time.

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